Hi! I'm Amber Walcker, and my pronouns are she/her.

I’m what they call a “systems thinker”—which just means I keep an open mind and stay super curious. I approach things holistically, rather than sticking to a predictable formula or a linear method. I believe that people aren’t linear; they’re unique in every way, and that’s how I coach, guide, and mentor.

People who cross my path often say:

  • “Amber changed my life.”

  • “Amber’s energy is contagious.”

  • “Amber listened and understood what I needed.”

I focus on maximizing your strengths, boosting your confidence, and motivating and inspiring you.

More about my life

I’m originally from a small town in NW Ohio, USA, where my dad farmed crops and worked in a factory, while my mom stayed at home until I was 10, at which point she started cleaning houses. My family deeply valued traditions, honored our neighbors, cared for each other, and worked hard to provide for me and my three siblings. Even though I’m the oldest biologically, I’m actually the third child.

I grew up Lutheran and went to public school. My graduating class had just 69 students, some of whom I had been with since preschool! I played the clarinet in the band all through school and college (and I was pretty good, too!) and twirled baton. While I played sports in elementary school, I found my true passion in the arts and music during high school. My clothes and hair (blue, pink, etc) were all ways for me to express myself.

I attended the University of Toledo, which was always part of my plan, and majored in Art (New Media) and Art History. At that time, I felt like I had everything figured out—“my Art degree will get me a graphic design job, and Art History is what I’ll do when I retire.” And that’s how it started out.

My first professional job was doing graphic design for a financial services company in 2006, and everything seemed to be going well until the 2007/2008 financial crisis hit. That’s when all my plans went out the window. The company had to cut half its employees (the first of many layoffs in my career), but I was one of the ones who stayed. I quickly had to take on different roles and learn how to navigate through new challenges. It was during this time that I really got into “Googling” and my systems thinking skills began to develop.

Fast forward to 2012: with a new job, a different sector, and experience under my belt, I traveled to Germany and Austria with a friend for 8 days. That trip was a turning point for me and made me realize I needed significant changes, including moving and finding a job where I could work remotely.

In 2013, I moved to Seattle, WA, which was a game changer for me. A year after moving, I met my partner, changed jobs, and began to entertain the idea of starting my own business. This period also gave me opportunities to advance my knowledge in leadership, communications, stakeholder management, and effective collaboration. A few years later, my partner and I got a dog (JoJo), got married, had two kids, bought a home—the list goes on.

When I became a mom in 2019, I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and depression. This led me to therapy, which profoundly impacted my life, sparking peak experiences, job changes, and a deeper understanding of boundaries. During this time, I also began to leverage mentors, my network, and other coaches, which led me to work on core values, personal branding, and realizing that people are my true currency.

And here we are in 2024! I’ve finally launched Amber Walcker Consulting, which was just an idea a decade ago, but now it’s a reality.